On the Road Again….

After a long, relaxing winter season, I am back on the road as a Tauck Tour Director!  The scheduling process for the home office is a huge machine with thousands of moving parts. Therefore, your schedule can shift or change at any time.  I received my schedule and it quickly changed and then changed again.  I am thrilled with my spring/summer schedule!  Opportunities came my way that I hadn’t expected (more on that later). 

I left Charlotte yesterday evening (5/9) and landed in Munich, Germany just a short time ago.  I am now waiting to board my flight to Prague, Czech Republic.


Once I arrive in Prague, I will meet up with the 3 Tour Directors (TDs) who will lead my last training tour for the Blue Danube Tour from Prague to Budapest.
Tauck Riverboats – Blue Danube

I will then fly back to Prague to be one of three TDs on another departure of the Blue Danube. My first working tour….woohoo!  I will return to the states on June 6th.  But I won’t be home for long….
I was given the opportunity to train on and then lead a Tauck Bridges stateside land tour called Cowboy Country. Tauck Bridges is one of the many Tauck brands that is geared towards generational family travel….children, parents and grandparents (aunts and uncles, too!). Cowboy Country is an 8 day tour through Wyoming and South Dakota….just think Jackson Hole, a dude ranch, Buffalo Bill, a rodeo, Yellowstone, horseback riding Mount Rushmore, and so much more!
Tauck Bridges – Cowboy Country

I am so excited about this opportunity and can’t wait to start the training.  One huge difference between the riverboat tours and the land tours is that on the rivers, you work as a team of TDs. On the land tours, it’s just you and the bus driver!  Flying solo!  I will leave for Jackson, Wyoming on June 11th, just 5 days after returning from Europe.  I will spend most of the summer in Wyoming and South Dakota and then back to Europe in the fall.
Life is good! #dreamjob

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